More fun pics!

Our class was rewarded a pizza & popsicle party for contributing the
most money in our grade in the Stallion Stampede Donation Drive!

Learning is so much fun in Ms. Erickson's class!

2010 Kinder Field Trip

What a delightful day! This is our group shot from our field trip at Crow's Nest Farm. We had such a wonderful day. First, we simply loved riding on the bus. At the farm, we enjoyed observing animals that have been rescued. Ask your child about Fluffy the Porcupine. We enjoyed a hay ride to see ostriches. We enjoyed learning how dairy cows are milked and the journey the milk takes from farm to our refrigerators. Finally, we enjoyed a picnic lunch and playing in the fields. The following pictures are courteous of Mrs. Edson.

 Waiting in the classroom before beginning our trip. Previewing the website, putting away our lunches and eating a snack.

Waiting to load the buses. WOW! We loved riding the bus. We counted the number of McDonald's we could see from the bus as we headed to the farm.

  We were surprised when a goat got up-close and friendly. This was a highlight to our trip because we loved having the opportunity to pet the goat.

 We enjoyed having the opportunity to see a variety of animals. Of course of favorite was seeing the porcupine, which we named "Fluffy" after one of our favorite book characters.

 We are in the dairy barn to learn how the milk travels from a cow on the farm to the grocery store to finally our refrigerator.

 After the hayride, we were ready for lunch. Thank you for providing your child a healthy lunch. We were so hungry!

We had so much fun, we even got silly! As we rode home on the bus, many of us even fell alseep. It was exhausting having so much fun. Thank you for providing your child with this opportunity.

Going on a Bear Hunt

OH NO! We received a letter that Corduroy has lost his button. We have enlisted the help of our fuzzy friends to tour our school, searching for the lost button. Here we are searching the nurse's office but to no avail. We finally found our matching lost button in the counselor's office.

What "Good Readers" Do...

Reading with Fuzzy Friends
                             The students practicing good reading strategies.

Pictures of Us!

Pictures of Us!
Murphy in the Reading Center Waiting for YOU to join him!